Mechanical Engineering - For vital repairs or bespoke engineering solutions to your problems.

Our mechanical engineering department, while in one sense being a crucial part of our electrical repair service, also operates as a fully independent engineering facility in its own right, serving a wide range of prestigious and demanding customers.

The department was originally established to ensure that we could handle all generator, alternator, motor and pump repairs etc, in-house. The highly skilled, time-served mechanical engineers provide an invaluable service in which they can repair and re-manufacture such critical components as drive shafts, bearing housings and any other mechanical element.

The department is fully equipped for all milling, turning, grinding and welding operations and it has access to full CNC facilities. What makes us unique, however, is not our technology, but our personnel. Although we are still a compact, closely-knit organisation the engineering skills and experience we possess is truly outstanding. That is why so many companies, including some of the world’s largest and most respected ‘blue chip’ names count on us to help them resolve their problems.

They have found that by talking to us and involving us at an early stage we can make a difference. We often collaborate closely with a customer’s design and development department to produce bespoke components such as jigs, fixtures and fittings that have made a significant improvement to production efficiencies.